
Phytotherapy is about using edible plants with therapeutic purposes. This kind of medicine is ancient in the entire wolrd, being earlier than the convencional one, and of course its base.

Medicine plants, which phytotherapy makes use, are all those species of vegetables that contains any active ingredient to combat certain diseases.


Diagnosis Tab

The diagnostic file is made up of all the signs that detects the therapist in his patient, and all the symptoms the patient lets the therapist know.

All those informations are to know what are the areas or organs of the system in disease; knowing all congested points can be inferred about the cause of symptoms.

About it is the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which developed their skills from the base of the human body as an unit, and not separate parts together. Each disease is manifested as pain or discomfort on certain parts of the body, but also involves other areas without being able to perceive. The source of the problem is often found inside this last group, as the first (the pain and discomfort) emerges as a form of expression of the body to communicate that something is wrong.


Music therapy

Music therapy is the use of music in an organized structure to work with a therapeutic purpose. Its goals include restoring, enhancing or maintaining physical, emotional, cognitive or even social functioning.

It can be a type of therapy itself, although it's an interdisciplinary therapy, an assistant one, to integrate with other therapeutic modalities.

Among the standard modes of work can be seen: the passive and the active, as the music is heard or performed, respectively.
The basic idea is to recognize that most diseases have their origin in the brain, which then transmits a stimulus to a part of the body that decodes it as a disease. Music-therapy tries to send to the brain stimulus of relaxation or annulation of the negative one. For this purpose, it uses different tunes with which gets amazing effects.



Music therapy is the use of music in an organized structure to work with a therapeutic purpose. Its goals include restoring, enhancing or maintaining physical, emotional, cognitive or even social functioning.

It can be a type of therapy itself, although it's an interdisciplinary therapy, an assistant one, to integrate with other therapeutic modalities.

Among the standard modes of work can be seen: the passive and the active, as the music is heard or performed, respectively.
The basic idea is to recognize that most diseases have their origin in the brain, which then transmits a stimulus to a part of the body that decodes it as a disease. Music-therapy tries to send to the brain stimulus of relaxation or annulation of the negative one. For this purpose, it uses different tunes with which gets amazing effects.



Chakra is a sanskrit word that translates as wheel or disc. Chakra is a concept referring to wheel-like vortices which, according to traditional Indian medicine, are believed to exist in the surface of the etheric double of man. The Chakras are said to be "force centers" or whorls of energy permeating, from a point on the physical body, the layers of the subtle bodies in an ever-increasing fan-shaped formation (the fans make the shape of a love heart). Rotating vortices of subtle matter, they are considered the focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. Seven major chakras or energy centers (also understood as wheels of light) are generally believed to exist, located within the subthe body. Adherents of hindu and chinese tradition believe the chakras interact with the body's ductless endocrine glands and lymphatic system by feeding in good bio-energies and disposing of unwanted bio-energies.



Phytotherapy is about using edible plants with therapeutic purposes. This kind of medicine is ancient in the entire wolrd, being earlier than the convencional one, and of course its base.

Medicine plants, which phytotherapy makes use, are all those species of vegetables that contains any active ingredient to combat certain diseases.


Meridian and Reflex Points

Chinese medicine says there is a distribution network for the fundamental substances of Bio-Energy (Qi), Blood and Body Fluids throughout the body. These fundamental substances are different from the common western understandings of these terms, and their concepts are important for maintaining health using Chinese medicine.
This distribution network called the Meridian System looks like a giant web, linking different areas of our body together. Its pathways make up a comprehensive yet complex body map that supplies vital energy to every part of the body. Philosophically, the Meridian System explains how we live, and why we become sick.

Througout those Meridians, there are Meridian Points. Also called Acupoints or Reflex Points. Each Reflex Point estimulates its correspondent Meridian, and also its part of the body.

The theories behind acupuncture, shiatsu, reflexology, and other related techniques says that the blockades of energy flow in the body, causes physical and emotional illnesses. To release those blockages, specific acupoints on the meridians are stimulated by pressure, needles and others.